About Me

Hi! My name is Zaina and I am a British Pakistani mama of 3 wonderful children. I have a degree in children's nursing and specialised in cardiac intensive care at Great Ormond Street Hospital for 6 years. I was born in the Middle East and now reside in Dubai, UAE. After a traumatic birth with my daughter in 2018 and an emotionally traumatic birth with my son during the pandemic, I decided that I wanted to support women through their antenatal, birth and postnatal journeys. This led me on a path to becoming a doula, hypnobirthing teacher, baby massage teacher and infant feeding coach. I was able to utilise all the knoweldge and skills I learnt as a birth worker in my third pregnancy, which led to the most beautiful positive birth experience with my youngest daughter. I believe that every individual is entitled to holistic care, support and education- allowing them to feel control from the start of their pregnancy journey and beyond. I am so passionate about the care I provide to all my clients, which is shown through my unique and personalised courses I provide. I hope to share my knowledge and offer meaningful support to families who seek to find the right path for a positive and safe birth and postnatal journey.


Doula training: Developing Doulas 2021

Hypnobirthing Teacher Training: Love Your Birth Training 2021

Step Rewind: Ellie Cook 2021

Infant Feeding Coach: The Infant Feeding Academy 2022

Baby Massage Teacher Training: Blossom & Berry 2023